```{include} ../README.md :end-before: "## About" ``` ```{include} ../README.md :start-after: "## About" :end-before: "## Useful links" ``` ## API ### Compute backends REANA-Job-Controller offers an abstract interface to submit jobs to different compute backends. ```{eval-rst} .. automodule:: reana_job_controller.job_manager :members: ``` ```{image} /_static/reana-job-manager.png ``` ### Kubernetes ```{eval-rst} .. automodule:: reana_job_controller.kubernetes_job_manager :members: ``` :::{note} REANA-Job-Controller supports the Kubernetes job manager by default, no need to pass any build argument. ::: ### HTCondor ```{eval-rst} .. automodule:: reana_job_controller.htcondorcern_job_manager :members: ``` :::{note} To build REANA-Job-Controller Docker image with HTCondor dependencies use build argument `COMPUTE_BACKENDS=kubernetes,htcondorcern`. ```console $ reana-dev docker-build -c reana-job-controller \ -b COMPUTE_BACKENDS=kubernetes,htcondorcern ``` ::: ### Slurm ```{eval-rst} .. automodule:: reana_job_controller.slurmcern_job_manager :members: ``` :::{note} To build REANA-Job-Controller Docker image with Slum dependencies use build argument `COMPUTE_BACKENDS=kubernetes,slurmcern`. ```console $ reana-dev docker-build -c reana-job-controller \ -b COMPUTE_BACKENDS=kubernetes,slurmcern ``` ::: :::{note} Please note that CERN Slurm cluster access is not granted by [default](https://batchdocs.web.cern.ch/linuxhpc/access.html). ::: ## REST API The REANA Job Controller API offers different endpoints to create, manage and monitor jobs. Detailed REST API documentation can be found here. ```{eval-rst} .. automodule:: reana_job_controller.rest :members: :exclude-members: JobCreationCondition,get_openapi_spec ``` ```{include} ../CHANGELOG.md :heading-offset: 1 ``` ```{include} ../CONTRIBUTING.md :heading-offset: 1 ``` ## License ```{eval-rst} .. include:: ../LICENSE ``` In applying this license, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities granted to it by virtue of its status as an Intergovernmental Organization or submit itself to any jurisdiction. ```{include} ../AUTHORS.md :heading-offset: 1 ```